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Books stink for teaching your child HOW to read :(

Books stink for teaching your child HOW to read 🙁

The good news is, your preschooler loves books (and they provide so many literacy benefits). The bad news is, books are terrible for teaching your child HOW to read. How many kids have I seen whose confidence is totally crushed...

The #1 way to teach your child to read words

The #1 way to teach your child to read words

When your child knows their letters sounds, but can’t manage to read a word without guessing or dissolving into tears, it is so frustrating for both of you. As parents, blending seems so simple in our minds, so why is it so hard to explain?! The good news is, you can...

The #1 way to teach your child to read words

When your child knows their letters sounds, but can’t manage to read a word without guessing or dissolving into tears, it is so frustrating for both of you. As parents, blending seems so simple in our minds, so why is it so hard to explain?! The good news is, you can...

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The #1 way to teach your child to read words

The #1 way to teach your child to read words

When your child knows their letters sounds, but can’t manage to read a word without guessing or dissolving into tears, it is so frustrating for both of you. As parents, blending seems so simple in our minds, so why is it so hard to explain?! The good news is, you can...

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